How to Help your Children Achieve Ultimate Health

When it comes to our children's future, what are we planning for? When I'm asking about planning, I mean, in what are we investing our time and energy? Is it our children's college education? If it is, we better start saving early on. We will need to make some firm commitments if we want to be prepared to help our children with their future college educations. If you are hoping that maybe the fairy god mother will wave her magic wand and "Presto," four years of college education paid for…keep hoping! Most of us will have to discipline ourselves to save. How well we invest and save will not only determine where we are financially, as far as college is concerned, but will also affect everything we do in life that we deem important.

Now maybe you're one of those fortunate people not concerned for college money for your children. You already have more than you need. Your biggest concern is to figure out what are the best stocks in which you can invest. When your children do grow up, their nest egg for college will be waiting for them. That's great! Let me remind you, whatever you planned for your children, from an investment point of view, will not be worth its weight in pennies-let alone gold-if you haven't invested in your children's health.

Many people like me also invest into their children's spiritual health by bringing them into a God centered environment like a church or synagogue on a weekly basis. We do that because we know the importance of our children coming to have and to know God in their lives. We want them to succeed spiritually speaking, so like finances and their health, we take time to invest.

Take the time to map out a fitness plan for your family. I assure you it is one investment that you'll be glad you took time to invest in. If we don't invest in our families, who will?

Are we doing all we can to set good examples for our family? Do we work out consistently ourselves?